

★ 4.4Wersja 2.53.1

Learning isn’t limited to being at one’s desk, it can take place whenever and wherever suits.

For technologists, Pluralsight is the leading technology skills platform to develop and apply skills that master the latest and emerging technologies, and transform ability into expertise. With Pluralsight, technology learners can quantify their skill levels and advance in their field using personalized learning built for real-world application.

With Pluralsight for Android, Learners can access content on the go, with or without internet access (offline content), and continue to develop skills in your moment of need, all while your skills development stays in sync across devices.

Pluralsight for Android is free to download with some courses available to access without a subscription. A Pluralsight membership will allow full access to the entire 6,500+ course library and more.

Have any suggestions or issues? Contact us directly by email: We’re here to help.

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