MARVEL Spider-Man Unlimited


Wersja 4.5.3a

The Sinister Six are at it again, and to stop them the Spidey team is about to make this a family affair with a couple of new teammates -- Aunt May, the amazing Spider-Ma'am, and Annie Parker, the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane!

And if that wasn't enough, there's also another special visitor to this dimension -- Agent Venom, aka Flash Thompson! He's come to our dimension to hunt a mutated version of somebody that Spidey knows very well...

Also, in this update, if you’ve ever wanted to know who’s playing Spider-Man Unlimited near you, you’ll love our new geolocated leaderboard! With this new feature, you can compete with people close by and see who the best Spidey in your town is!

What’s new:

• Geolocated leaderboard will be now available so you can see who the best player in your area is!

• The SPIDER-ISLAND event kicks into high gear with new characters and event stories involving Annie Parker, Spider-Ma’am, Agent Venom and few more!

• Upcoming special events with new Spideys, including an exciting multi-day event with an old friend who's gone through some... changes!

• Alliance matchmaking revamp is live to improve your experience in the brand new 100% social mode!

Get the new update in the App Store and Google Play NOW!

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